It’s that time of year again when the skies over central Florida begin to darken late in the afternoon to bring heavy thunderstorms. There are certain steps we can take in reducing damage to trees caused by lightning strikes. Especially tall trees are most vulnerable to lightning due to their height, tree sap and water serving as good conductors for lightning.

Lightning is not always a death sentence for trees but even when death is not the outcome, a strike may weaken a tree and make it susceptible to insects and disease. This is especially devastating when the tree is an historic tree or family heirloom. 

The best way to protect your priceless trees is with a Lightning Protection system.  This system is a copper cable that runs along the tree, intercepting a lightning bolt and directing it to the ground instead of striking the tree.  It’s vital to have this system professionally installed in order to avoid doing more harm to the tree or causing collateral damage to the surrounding area.

It isn’t necessary to have lightning protection installed on every tree. Your primary concern should be trees of sentimental value, historical significance, high value trees, or trees that are less than 10 feet of a structure. Tall trees are most susceptible, especially when growing alone in open areas.

Invest in the future of your tree by installing lightning protection before a strike.